Upon completing Medal of Honor: Warfighter's campaign, you
are met with a heartfelt dedication impressing upon you the heroism of
the men in uniform the game depicts. The attempt at sincere emotion is
commendable--but it rings hollow, coming as it does at the end of a
bog-standard military shooter that celebrates the killing of hundreds.
The battlefield fantasy itself offers a few surprises, but they're
crowded out of your psyche by the indifferent hours of shooting and
military chatter that surround them.
"Linear." The word is commonly used to identify any number of shooters
that usher you along a narrow path, interrupting your progress with a
bit of sniping, the shooting of a turret, or an explosion-heavy
cutscene. Warfighter's issue isn't that it fits this common modern-day
shooter template, but that developer Danger Close doesn't use the
linearity to the game's benefit. By directing the experience so tightly,
a developer can build momentum, giving the action an arc that develops
tension and ultimately reaches a zenith. When a game intends to be a
playable action film, as so many do, managing that arc is key to
delivering a memorable experience.
Medal of Honor:
Warfighter doesn't craft such an arc, and thus feels more like a
pastiche of shooter tropes than a self-contained experience with its own
identity. Yet there's something worthy here--the glimmer of a Medal of
Honor that might yet hew its own path if the right elements are
cultivated. The basic shooting and movement models are a good start, not
because the guns are that remarkable, but because there's a sense of
weight to your sprints and your leaps. You're given the ability to take
cover and lean or peek before taking aim, lest you get pelted with lead;
at times, this encourages you to consider your surroundings and
preserve your own well-being rather than rush forward, spraying the room
with bullets.
The shooting is occasionally
put to good use, too, such as in a noisy showdown during a raging
rainstorm, the palm trees waving and bending in response to the heaving
winds. Other levels are just as visually impressive, like an on-rails
boat shootout during which fires rage and floating debris threatens to
ram you. Elsewhere, you use the blazing shine of your enemies'
flashlights as beacons for your violence in various locales. The
Frostbite 2 engine that gave Battlefield 3
life is used well enough here, occasional visual glitches and
distracting screen grime notwithstanding. These visuals are much more
effective on the PC than consoles, but on any platform, Medal of Honor:
Warfighter isn't always just a sea of brown, though you can still expect
plenty of dusty roads and crumbling hovels to fill your field of view.
If only the gameplay could consistently uphold the promise of the most
atmospheric levels. To Warfighter's benefit, it's not as much of a
turkey shoot as its 2010 predecessor, though enemies still pop up in the
most predictable places, inviting you to gun them down. The excitement
is also undercut by your AI teammates' unlimited supply of ammo; there's
never any need to scrounge the ground for enemy weapons, which
diminishes the sense that you are in imminent danger. (A little
improvisational spirit could have gone a long way.) But it's the moments
you most expect to deliver the brightest sparks that are most devoid of
them. The aforementioned boat chase requires no skill, neither from a
driving nor from a shooting perspective. Ditto for the obligatory
helicopter gunner segment, in which you mow down nameless grunts from
above. Without challenge, there needs to be something else to keep
excitement levels high--but there aren't enough foes to shoot or other
sources of thrills to compensate.
Warfighter checks
other paradigms off its list, too. There are the parts where you sneak
up on enemies from behind and gruesomely stab them, and the parts where
you snipe the baddies lurking in distant windows. There are the parts
where you call in airstrikes to annihilate entire buildings, and there's
the bit where you shoot down a helicopter with a rocket launcher. There
are seemingly endless door breaches, in which time slows to a crawl
while you and your AI teammates charge into a room and litter the floor
with corpses. Things explode real nice, but these sequences are all
segmented sharply from the surrounding gameplay. The game signals "hey,
here's the part with the sniper rifle," and you dutifully perform the
necessary actions so you can continue.
There are
several scripted set-piece sections that stand above the rest,
however--and in fact, stand above the campaign in general. All of them
involve vehicles. Some of these driving sections are ridiculous and
entertaining, directing you to incite crashes, and then showcasing the
destruction in slow motion, Burnout-style. The camera that so lovingly
caresses the chaos flies in the face of Warfighter's meager attempts to
identify the drivers as everyday heroes, but the tension of avoiding
oncoming traffic and the joy of watching your four-wheeled victims flip
with abandon are both guilty pleasures. The game's most surprising turn
of events is a vehicular stealth sequence in which you must slip into
designated safe spots to avoid prowling enemy drivers. It's a neat idea,
executed well, that generates tension and has you fearing your possible
discovery. It's not difficult to succeed, but even so, this portion is
elegant and imaginative.
Less elegant are Warfighter's nods to the effects war can have not
just on its participants, but on their loved ones. Your role alternates
between different operatives, with Preacher (returning from 2010's Medal
of Honor) fulfilling the role of main protagonist. The central story
comes by way of the jargon-filled military chatter you're used to in
such games, in which you know who the bad guy is, not because wrongdoing
is demonstrated, but because the characters say he's the bad guy. The
globe-hopping narrative, like the gameplay, is chopped into cutscenes
and key events without regard for exposition or transition. There's
plenty of plot, but little storytelling--and there are important
distinctions between the two.
Off the battlefield, you meet Preacher's wife and daughter, who suffer
from the effects of the uncanny valley by way of their
sort-of-lifelike, sort-of-not character models, but nonetheless deliver
some civilian levity between explosions. The gentler side of
Warfighter's story is a wasted opportunity, however, since every
character is a stand-in for an idea (the neglected but stalwart wife,
the loyal and conflicted warrior) rather than a defined individual. Yet
while they are simple plot constructs, actors deliver their lines with
conviction, and the manipulative soundtrack swells in properly
melodramatic ways, softening your heart for a few moments before the
ensuing action hardens it once again.
There's a moment near the end of the campaign, however, that has you
confronting the consequences of war, allowing you to witness terrible
deaths in ways you never can while shooting down combatants. And it's
here that Warfighter almost achieves something special. You witness more
vulnerability here, and can appreciate the operatives' sacrifices in
these final throes. The military fantasy becomes dark reality for a
brief moment, and there's no joy in your final shots. Here, you see one
more way in which Medal of Honor may yet make its mark, if only this
conclusion weren't so removed from the remainder of the game, which
otherwise treats levels as interchangeable building blocks that needn't
fit into a larger picture.
Of course, if a military
shooter is a means for you to shoot fools online and insult their skills
(and mothers), the campaign may be a secondary concern, and it's just
as well, since the multiplayer is much more satisfying than the
campaign, though not without its flaws. Warfighter doesn't have the
weight of, say, Killzone 3,
but it doesn't shoot for the zippiness of Modern Warfare either,
instead finding a more-or-less comfortable place between the two. The
leaning mechanic in the campaign finds a place here, and while gameplay
doesn't hinge on successfully using it, it's nonetheless a boon,
allowing you to quickly establish a line of sight, take some potshots,
and lean back into cover.
More important is Warfighter's fire team system, in which you are
paired with another team member, and the two of you leech off of each
other's successes. Your buddy is both protector and spawn point, and you
earn a few experience points for his headshots and kills, presuming
you're in close proximity. You earn various bonuses for sticking with
your buddy, so you quickly develop a camaraderie of necessity. This
isn't a wholly new mechanic in games, but there is a palpable
psychological component to it: when your buddy is waiting to spawn, you
stay out of harm's way so that your friend might arrive in relative
safety, and there's joy in getting revenge on the opponent that gunned
down your buddy just moments before. It's a good feeling to know
someone's got your back.
A traditional class system
glues matches together, though you need to sort through the game's
improbably convoluted and busy interface to make sense of it. Everyone
starts out as an assaulter, but it isn't long before you've unlocked
every class and are well on your way toward earning medals
(Congratulations! You've killed 30 players with primary weapons!) and
various weapon modifications: barrels, paint jobs, optics, and so on.
You also unlock variations of the classes, each associated with a
particular nation, and within matches, you can perform offensive or
defensive support actions (fly an Apache!) should you string together
enough kills. There's a healthy progression system here that keeps the
rewards coming.
A metagame goes only so far if the core action and modes don't hold
up, but Warfighter is a decent multiplayer shooter with a number of ways
to play, held back mainly by its confined maps, some of which are more
collections of winding exterior corridors than organic spaces. You never
run out of players to kill, at least, within the five modes on offer.
The matchmaking options also include playlists that pair up two
different modes, and one of these playlists minimizes the interface and
turns on friendly fire, inspiring a more cautious experience. On the
other end of the spectrum is Home Run mode, a vicious 10-round mode that
combines capture the flag with Counter-Strike's tight
assault-and-defend dynamic. The maps are small and you don't respawn
when you die; all you can do is wait for the next round. Home Run sports
a livelier tug-of-war than the other modes, and after the initial
learning curve (knowing the map is key), combat can get intense.
Danger Close didn't tie up some necessary loose ends before the game's
release: you might spawn outside of the map and into freefall, spawn
into some environmental anomaly and struggle to unstick yourself, or
even bang into an invisible obstacle. In the single-player campaign,
enemies might clip right through walls when they aren't busy being
generally dumb. Yet Medal of Honor: Warfighter's greatest handicap isn't
bugs, but that its building blocks are snapped together into a
shapeless hunk rather than an identifiable monolith with form and
purpose. Still, you shouldn't dismiss the game as wholly unworthy:
online multiplayer is good fun, and the campaign shows signs of life,
occasionally letting you see past the me-too warfare and appreciate a
brief flash of imagination. But on the whole, Warfighter leaves you
thinking, "Yep, that's a military shooter, all right." Its heroes strive
for greatness; the game they star in is merely serviceable.